Dr. Phung Duc Long, VSSMGE

The Vietnamese Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (VSSMGE) and the Thuyloi University (TLU) organized the one-day seminar on Numerical Analysis in Geotechnics (NAG2015), on 20th August 2015, in Hanoi. This seminar was planned to be held every second year in Vietnam. The first event, NAG2015 created a forum, where the users of different numerical methods/computer codes can exchange their experience and knowledge relating to the use of numerical methods in geotechnical engineering, including engineering applications and scientific achievements. NAG2015 was a great success with more than 120 attendees from seven countries and territories, including Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Canada, France, China and Vietnam. The organizers aimed to make the seminar a regular regional event, attracting the scientists in geotechnical numerical applications.
In NAG2015, the following papers were presented:
- “Effect of the raft-pile foundation of transmission tower on the design of adjacent shoring structure” by Prof. John Curran, Dr. Kien Dang, and Dr. Thamer Yacoub, (Rocscience, Canada)
- “Modelling of Embankments, Reclamation and Improved Ground by Vacuum Consolidation” by Dr. William Cheang (Plaxis AsiaPac, Singapore)
- “Numerical modelling of cyclic behavior of a dyke project under seismic and waves actions”, by Dr. Nguyen Khoa Van & Prof. Alain Guilloux (Terrasol, France)
- “A FEM code of groundwater and land subsidence analysis for an expanding city”, by Dr. Pham Huy Giao (AIT, Thailand)
- “Deep excavations and tunneling works of MRT in Taiwan and Indonesia” by Prof. Benson Hsiung (CECI, Taiwan) & Dao Sy Dao, Kuan-Hun Lin (Tung Feng Construction Engineering Vietnam Co.)
- “3D modelling of piled raft and piled foundations” by Dr. Phung Duc Long (VSSMGE, Vietnam)
- “3D Modelling of Pile Responses to Shield Tunnelling” by Dr. Phien-wej Noppadol, M.Eng. Mohammad Shakeel (AIT, Thailand) & Dr. William Cheang (Plaxis AsiaPac, Singapore)
- “The Effect of Element Type to Use the Boundary Condition And Result of a Model in Analysis the Blast Vibration during Excavation Tunnel in Urban Area” by Van Kien DANG (Hanoi university of mining and geology, HUMG, Vietnam)
- “Apply a New Blast Damage Criteria for analysis Blast Vibration during Tunnel Excavation by Blasting Method” by Dang Van Kien (Hanoi university of mining & geology, HUMG, Vietnam)
- “Effects of the depth and thickness of the diaphragm wall on the stability of deep excavations in clay” by Dr. Do Tuan Nghia and Prof. Chang-Yu Ou (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan)
- “Modelling an Geofoam Embankment Behind Bridge Abutment using MIDAS Soilworks”, by Do Huu Dao & Le Dinh Viet (University of Science & Technology, Univ. of Da Nang, Vietnam)
- “Physical model test and numerical modeling on the progressive failure of unsupported tunnel”, by Dr. Vu Ba Thao (Hydraulic Construction Inst., Vietnam), Dr. Dinh T.H. Minh, Prof. Zhu Hehua, Prof. Xu Qianwei (Tongji Univ., Shanghai, China)
- “Consolidation analysis of Vietnam soft marine clay by finite difference method with application of constant rate of strain consolidation test”, by Nguyen Cong Oanh & Tran Thi Thanh (SIWRR and Posco Engineering Co. Ltd, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam)
- “Modified elastic foundation beam model for retaining structure of deep excavation”, by Pham Van Minh, Vu Ba Thao, Nguyen Quoc Dung (Hydraulic Construction Institute, Vietnam Academy for Water Resources, Vietnam)
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