Dr. Phung Duc Long, VSSMGE
GEOTEC HANOI 2013 was successfully organized on 28-29 November 2013 in Hanoi, with more than 500 attendees from 28 countries. The conference proceeding consists of 112 papers, of which 84 were presentated.
Two years ago, the first international conference GEOTEC HANOI 2011 with the theme “Geotechnics for Sustainable Development” was. The conference’s main purpose was to provide a forum to interchange ideas, experience, and knowledge in the interest areas. Continuing from the success of the first event, the conference was decided to be held every second year in Hanoi.
Hosting the conference are FECON Foundation Engineering & Underground Construction JSC, a leading geotechnical contractor in Vietnam, and Vietnamese Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (VSSMGE), with an invited international co-organizer, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) from Thailand. The ambition of the organizers is to establish an international conference every second year in Vietnam, which can attract the leading experts both from Vietnam and around the world in the geotechnical areas that have been or will be developed in Vietnam. The event is also aimed to help Vietnamese experts, engineers and contractors actively taking part in the sustainable development of the infrastructure in particular, and of the economy in general in Vietnam.
Five technical sessions:
- Foundations for high-rise buildings,
- Underground projects in soft soil,
- Soil improvement and reinforcement for infrastructure projects,
- Monitoring and instrumentation for tunnels and excavations, and
- Geotechnical modeling and numerical analysis.
The conference honored a giant figure in the geotechnical world, Prof. Sven Hansbo from Sweden, with his Honorable lecture “Deep compaction by heavy tamping, deep vibration and blasting”. Since 1979, Professor Hansbo has enormously devoted to the development of geotechnics in Vietnam. His name is also attached to the success of the cooperation between Vietnam and Sweden in the geotechnical field.
Five keynote lectures at five technical sessions:
- “Geotechnical challenges at super high-rise buildings”, Prof. Rolf Katzenbach (Germany);
- “Management of settlements for an urban tunnel (Toulon, France)”, Prof. Alain Guilloux (France);
- “Recent geosynthetic-reinforced soil structures for railways in Japan”, Prof. Fumio Tatsuoka (Japan);
- “Smart Geo-Infrastructure – Opportunities for new sensor monitoring systems”, Prof. Kenichi Soga (UK);
- “Examples for successful 3D finite element analysis in geotechnical engineering”, Prof. Helmut Schweiger (Austria).
The proceeding
The proceeding, with international registration number ISBN 978 604 82 0013 8, is very well-edited with international high-quality printing and hard cover. The proceeding consists of approximately 950 pages and includes 112 papers in English. A CD Rom is also provided with all the papers in pdf files. The proceeding can be ordered through the conference website.

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