Dr. Phung Duc Long, VSSMGE
Geotec Hanoi 2011 – “Geotechics for Sustainable Development”, an international conference was organised by FECON Foundation Engineering & Underground Construction JSC, one of the leading geotechnical contractors in Vietnam, in cooperation with Vietnamese Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (VSSMGE), and with Civil Engineering-Mechanics-Material Association, France, in Hanoi during two days 6th and 7th October 2011. The conference has attracted 450 attendees from 24 countries. At the conference 110 papers were published, among which 60 papers/lectures were presented.
The conference has six main themes: 1) Soft soil improvement and reinforcement, 2) Foundation Engineering, 3) Tunneling and Underground spaces, 4) Environmental Geotechnics and Sustainable development, 5) Geotechnical modeling, design and monitoring, and 6) Geotechnical case histories. The six sessions were held parallel in the two conference halls.
Among the conference high-lights were the six keynote lectures given by six well-known geotechnical experts in the world:
- Keynote lecture 1: “Soil improvement by preloading and vertical drainage” given by Professor Sven Hansbo (Sweden);
- Keynote lecture 2: “The design of high-rise building foundations” given by Professor Harry Poulos (Australia);
- Keynote lecture 3: “Tunneling in soft ground and urban environment” given by Professor Alain Guilloux (France);
- Keynote lecture 4: “Current Facts Concerning Efforts to Improve the Global Environment and Commitments by the Construction Industry in Japan” given by Dr. Hiroshi Yoshida (Japan);
- Keynote lecture 5: “New horizons in numerical analysis for geotechnical engineering” given by Professor Pieter Vermeer (the Netherlands);
- Keynote lecture 6: “Characteristics of Liquefaction-Induced Damage in the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake” given by Professor Kenji Ishihara (Japan).
The proceeding
The proceeding, which has an international registration nunmber ISBN 978 604 82 000 8, was very well edited with international high-quality printing and hard cover. The proceeding consists of 996 pages and includes 110 papers, all written in English, which were divided in to six sessions. A CD Rom is also provided, including all the papers in pdf files with color figures/photos. The proceeding can be ordered through the conference website.

Feature Photographs