Khóa đào tạo “Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics and Design of Rock Engineering” đã diễn ra trong hai ngày 20-21 tháng 2 năm 2014 tại trường Đại học Thủy Lợi, Hà Nội. Khóa học được đồng tổ chức bởi ISRM, hội cơ học đá Việt Nam (VSRM) và Vietnamese National Group của ISRM. Giáo sư Xia-Ting Feng, Chủ tịch ISRM; Phó chủ tịch phụ trách khu vực châu Á Tiến sĩ Yingxin Zhou; và Phó chủ tịch châu Âu, Giáo sư Frederic Pellet đại diện cho ISRM đã trình bày những bài giảng đặc biệt. Khóa học với sự tham gia của 221 học viên được coi như một thành công đối với sự hợp tác giữa ISRM và một trong những “nhóm quốc gia” trẻ tuổi nhất.
The training course “Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics and Design of Rock Engineering” took place in WaterResources University, Hanoi, Vietnam, on 20-21 Feb 2014.
The training course had organized by International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM), Vietnam Society forRock Mechanics (VSRM) and Vietnamese National Group of ISRM. Training course is an agreement amongpresident ISRM Prof. Xia- Ting Feng, ISRM secretary general Dr. Luis Lamas and president Vietnam society forrock mechanics (VSRM), Vietnam National Group of ISRM Prof. Nghiem Huu Hanh in Shanghai, China in June2013.
The purpose of training course is to present further development of rock mechanics and rock engineering fromISRM. Lecturers are President ISRM Prof. Xia- Ting Feng, Vice president Asia Dr. Yingxin Zhou, and Vice presidentEurope Prof. Frederic Pellet. Topic of training course is Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics and Design of RockEngineering.
Training course have 221 attendees, including 10 Vietnamese professors, 150 Lecturers, 61 professional engineers from National Civil Engineering of University, Water Resources University, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, academies in rock mechanics and rock engineering, Vietnamese and foreign Consulting companies…Prof. Nghiem Huu Hanh and Prof. Xia ting Feng had opening speech.
This training course began with slides given by Prof. Frederic Pellet on “Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics”. Second, Dr. Yingxin Zhou presented about rock joints and rock mass classification, shear strength ofrock joints, rock mass classification. Finally, Prof. Xia- Ting Feng presentation is about rock engineering includingdynamic and optimal design method and its applications, examples about optimal and dynamic design of rockslope, deep tunnel in hydropower stations in China.
During the closing ceremony, Prof. Xia- TingFeng had hand out certificate for attendees.
Dr. Yingxin Zhou has slide presentation about ISRM with National Groups of ISRM in the world, Asian Familyrock mechanics, scholarship for young member of national group of ISRM Asia family attend ARMS 2014 inSapporo, Japan in October 2014.
The tour trip was tour Hạ Long Bay, Quang Ninh province. Hạ Long bay features thousands of limestone karstsand isles in various sizes and shapes. Hạ Long Bay is a center of a large zone, which includes Bái Tử Long bay tothe northeast, and Cát Bà islands to the southwest. These large zones share similar geological, geographical,geomorphological, climate, and cultural characters.(Wikipedia). Lecturers of ISRM had a nice trip sightseeing Hạlong Bay and discussed about rock mechanics when the boat was cruisesing.
Finally, Leaders of ISRM and VSRM were discussed about cooperation of ISRM and VSRM, VietnamNational group of ISRM in future. They agreed plan workshop about rock mechanics and rock engineeringfor some nationals in Asia, member group of ISRM on March 2015 in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Training course is good opportunities for Vietnamese colleagues in field rock mechanics and rockengineering to update knowledge from famous lecturers in field rock mechanics and rock engineering.Training course is first successful in 2014 of VSRM. We do hope we will have further cooperation andsupports from ISRM in near future.